彭恺, 郑小雪. “管控与指引”导向下的镇村两级规划传导特征辨析——基于6省份编制导则的比较[J]. 小城镇建设, 2024, 42(5): 5-13. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-1483.2024.05.002
引用本文: 彭恺, 郑小雪. “管控与指引”导向下的镇村两级规划传导特征辨析——基于6省份编制导则的比较[J]. 小城镇建设, 2024, 42(5): 5-13. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-1483.2024.05.002
PENG Kai, ZHENG Xiaoxue. Analysis of the Transmission Characteristics of Town and Village Level Planning Under the Guidance of 'Control and Guidance': Based on Comparison of Compilation Guidelines of Six Provinces[J]. Development of Small Cities & Towns, 2024, 42(5): 5-13. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-1483.2024.05.002
Citation: PENG Kai, ZHENG Xiaoxue. Analysis of the Transmission Characteristics of Town and Village Level Planning Under the Guidance of 'Control and Guidance': Based on Comparison of Compilation Guidelines of Six Provinces[J]. Development of Small Cities & Towns, 2024, 42(5): 5-13. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-1483.2024.05.002


Analysis of the Transmission Characteristics of Town and Village Level Planning Under the Guidance of 'Control and Guidance': Based on Comparison of Compilation Guidelines of Six Provinces

  • 摘要: 党的二十大强调以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族的伟大复兴。我国的乡村现代化推进对国家经济社会持续发展与安全稳定具有重要影响,而其空间治理问题的合理解决又是实现城乡要素双向流通、城乡一体化发展、乡村振兴的基础。在我国国土空间规划体系中,镇村两级规划与乡村地区空间治理密切相关,二者之间的传导是否通畅,极大地影响规划实施与空间治理的效力。基于此,本文着重从“管控”与“指引”两维度比较研究6省份的乡镇级国土空间规划导则与实用性村庄规划导则,梳理出镇村两级规划传导的特征与问题,尝试提出优化策略,以期为乡村地区空间治理现代化的实现提供新思路。


    Abstract: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation should be comprehensively promoted by 'Chinese path to modernization'. The promotion of rural modernization in our country has an important impact on the sustainable development, security, and stability of the national economy and society, and the reasonable solution to its spatial governance issues is the foundation for achieving bidirectional circulation of urban-rural factors, integrated urban-rural development, and rural revitalization. In China's national spatial planning system, town and village level planning is closely related to spatial governance in rural areas. The smooth transmission between them greatly affects the effectiveness of planning implementation and spatial governance. Based on this, this article focuses on comparing and studying the township level land spatial planning guidelines and practical village planning guidelines in six provinces from the dimensions of 'control' and 'guidance'. The characteristics and problems of the transmission of township and village level planning are sorted out, and optimization strategies are attempted to provide new ideas for the modernization of spatial governance in rural areas.


